Cybersecurity Solutions

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting critical information and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. In today’s world, businesses of all sizes are at risk of cyberattacks. According to the 2022 Cost of Data Breach Report by IBM, there is a cyber-attack every 11 seconds. Protecting your infrastructure is important, but you should also ensure that your business is compliant with industry standards, your staff is trained on best practices, and you have policies and procedures in place in the event of a security incident or disaster.

How We Can Help

Security Assessments

Our team will perform an audit of your infrastructure to identify gaps in security, compliance, and best practices. We will provide a report of findings and make recommendations for securing your environment.

Managed Detection and Response

We partner with the best security vendors to provide managed end-point protection and response, SOC services, threat hunting, managed firewall, and XDR technology. We can provide software and security staff that can assist your team or we can fully manage your cybersecurity operations.

Penetration Testing

Our team can provide penetration testing services to ensure your business is safe and compliant. We can actively and passively look for holes in both the external and internal infrastructure. We provide a full report and can also assist with remediation.

Compliance Services

Our team specializes in compliance. Regardless of the standards or security framework, we can assist.  HIPPA, SOC2, PCI, ISO 27001. We offer individual services for assessments, scanning, policies and procedures, or we offer an all-in-one tool that does it all in a single platform.

Security Team

We offer both in-person or virtual CISOs, Compliance Officers, Privacy Officers, and Security Analysts that are an extension of your team.

Security Awareness Training

Our team of cybersecurity experts can train your staff in person or we offer a fully automated platform that provides 2-minute micro training videos, phishing campaigns, dark web monitoring, and compliance tracking, all managed within a single dashboard.