Protecting Your Business, Protecting Your Customers. Compliance Simplified.

Cloud Services

Compliance isn’t just a box to check—it’s a critical aspect of running a business responsibly. Regulations and standards exist to ensure the protection of sensitive data, maintain customer trust, and mitigate risks. Failing to comply can result in severe consequences, including legal penalties, damaged reputation, and loss of business opportunities.

Managing compliance isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing effort that demands significant time and resources. Staying abreast of evolving regulations, implementing necessary controls, conducting audits, and preparing compliance reports are just a few of the tasks involved. For many organizations, compliance becomes a daunting, resource-draining challenge that diverts focus from core business operations and strategic IT initiatives.

Imagine having an expert by your side, effortlessly guiding your business through the maze of information security compliance regulations. Say hello to our new Virtual Compliance Officer. Our VCO service is your dedicated information security and compliance expert. It’s designed to assess and guide your business through its compliance journey, providing tailored solutions to fit your organization’s evolving needs. That’s precisely what our VCO service offers: specialized support to design, implement, and manage your information security program, ensuring adherence to regulatory frameworks.

Building and maintaining an information security program requires a specific skillset that many general IT teams may lack. We bring the expertise needed to design, implement, and manage a robust information security program tailored to your organization’s unique requirements. By outsourcing compliance management your IT team can redirect their time and energy towards core operations and strategic IT projects. This allows your organization to focus on growth and innovation without being bogged down by the complexities of compliance. Our service also provides the executive team the peace of mind that their business is secure, compliant, and managed by experts.

How does it work?

  1. Cybersecurity Gap Assessment: We conduct a thorough assessment against established information security frameworks, focusing on two main components:
    • Security Strategy: Evaluation of security policies, standards, procedures, and management processes.
    • Operational Security: Assessment of technical security measures within the network and end devices, focusing on key areas like access controls and network protections.
  2. Objective: The assessment establishes a baseline record of the organization’s security maturity and prioritizes security risks for the leadership team, covering aspects from information security governance to cybersecurity infrastructure and capabilities.
  3. Continual Monitoring: We continually monitor applicable regulatory frameworks, keeping the compliance program and organization updated with any changes.
  4. Quarterly Compliance Review: We conduct proactive quarterly compliance reviews and provide a user-friendly dashboard, where you can view all policies, scans, and supportive material. Recommendations and additional requirements are provided to ensure the organization’s security posture is current.
  5. Access to Resources: You have access to an always-available repository for compliance defensibility -including reporting, scorecards, supporting materials, policies, and tools. Not to mention a team of certified compliance and cybersecurity experts.

Sounds expensive…

You don’t need to hire a CISSP, Compliance Officer, or one-time consultant – which can be costly. You don’t need to purchase a bundle of security tools and services. Teaming up with TPx, Cybert Systems offers this service conveniently packaged into a single monthly payment. Similar to licensing for your Microsoft Office suite, phone system, internet service, or co-managed IT service contract. This is compliance made easy! Don’t let compliance challenges hinder your organization’s growth or be a source of stress. Partner with us and gain the peace of mind knowing that your compliance needs are in expert hands, while your IT team and executives remain focused on driving business success. In today’s regulatory landscape, compliance with mandates like the new FTC Safeguards Rule is non-negotiable.

We know we can help bridge the gap between Operational IT and Cybersecurity & Compliance.
Our aim is to assist business owners and IT teams in enhancing not just their security posture but also their business outcomes and reputation. To find out more information about our VCO service and many other business services and solutions, visit our website at You can also find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

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